Employment Letter Sample
There are different kinds of employment letters, each of them written for a special purpose. The letter of employment is a document required by a third-party to check whether a person is employed at a certain establishment or organization. In such cases, the letter of employment is issued by the employer of the person in question. Such temp agency wiki a letter can also be issued by company authorities to newly-joined employees. For example, a landlord would want to know whether the tenant has provided him/her with authentic information. The best way to verify this information is to obtain a letter from the tenant's employer. Along with the letter provided by the employer, a cover letter can be attached before handing it over to the landlord.The term, employment letter covers many different of employment-related letters such as the application letter, job search letter, job acceptance letter, etc. Here are the samples of such letters.
Employment Letter Template
The letter of employment should have a simple format. Such a letter contains address of the person issuing it, at the top. The template and samples presented below should give readers an idea of how to write an employment letter.[Sender's Name]
Subject: [Subject of Letter]
Dear [Name of Recipient],
[Sender's Name]
[Sender's Designation]
[Sender's Contact Information]
Employment Verification Letter
The following sample letter gives us a rough idea about how to draft the verification document.[Name]
Sub: Verification of address and designation of [Name of Employee].
This letter is written to confirm that [Name of Employee] is a full-time employee of our company. He/she works as a Software Developer and his/her annual payment is [Salary Amount]. He/she is working with our organization since [Date]. He/she has also submitted the details pertaining to permanent residence.
The job responsibilities that [Name of Employee] is entitled to, in our company, include development of software based on object-oriented approach; he/she also carries out tasks related to design and analysis of software. The different software platforms temp agency definition which he/she has worked on are [Names of Software Platforms]. He/she is well-versed with the [Name of Programing Language] programming language.
You may contact our office if you intend to find any further information about [Name of Employee].
[Employer/Concerned Person]
[Name of Company]
[Contact Information]
Letter Confirming Employment
The employment letter presented below is written by an employer to address a new employee regarding confirmation of his/her job. A sample of such a letter is provided below.[Name of Employer]
Dear [Name of employee],
We are state employment agency pleased to inform that you are offered the post of Software Tester in [Name of Company]. You are requested to report to the manager on [Date].
Your salary will be [amount] per [month/year]. It covers standard group benefit plans and fringe benefits. The breakup of salary will be provided to you on the day of joining. For the first year, you will be entitled to a pro-rated vacation time.
Please sign the enclosed letter if you agree to the specified terms and conditions. Looking forward to have your company.
[Name of Employer]
Application for Employment
A sample letter of job application is given below. Such a letter contains details about the position for which you are applying, your qualification and information that the employer would find useful.[Name of Applicant]
[Name of Employer]
[Name of Organization/Company]
Subject: Job Application Letter.
Dear [Name of Employer],

I am writing to apply for the position of [Name of Position]. Working on the post of [Name of Position/Post] would allow me to exercise my skills and use the knowledge I have gained in the field of [Your Domain/Area of Expertise]. You may find my resume and details about references enclosed with this letter.
I believe that my experience in the field of [Your Domain/Area of Expertise] should prove valuable for you company. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for your consideration.
[Name of Applicant]
Job Acceptance Letter
A job acceptance letter is written to confirm that you accept an offer of employment. A properly-written acceptance letter creates a good impression about you, as an employee, in the mind of the employer. It helps reflects your professional approach towards work.[Your Name]
[Name of Employer]
[Name of Organization/Company]
Subject: Job Acceptance Letter.
Dear [Name of Employer],
I want to thank you to have accepted my job application and offered me the post of [Name of Position]. This job would give me the opportunity to exercise my skills. I look forward to making a positive contribution to the organization. My starting salary will by [Salary]. My work at [Name of the Organization] starts on [Date of Joining].
I thank you once again for offering me this opportunity.
[Your Name]
[Contact Information]
Along with writing, formatting plays an important part of the process of writing a letter. The employment letter samples presented above should assist you in writing such kind of formal letters. It is necessary to understand how to draft letters in a proper manner because one would be required to write them often in his/her professional life.