Family Relationships |
How to Break the Ice with Your In-laws
A marriage in all measures, is not the coming together of two souls as was previously believed, but a perfect union of two families, which become a part of your very own. Establishing a genuine bond with in-laws is a prerequisite...
How to Maintain a Healthy Relationship with Your Parents

The relationship between you and your parents can sometimes take a turn for the worse. Instead of neglecting the situation and worsening it further, find out what you can do to rectify matters and maintain a healthy relationship...
How to Get to Know Your In-Laws Better

Getting to know your in-laws is a process filled with surprises. It renders some bittersweet experiences in your memory box. However, daunting this task may seem, it is an inevitable one. So why not approach with a plan? Here's...
Reasons why your Mom is Incomparable

Mom! The word itself wraps you with warmth and love. Your mom is your first love, your first teacher, and she means the whole world to you. She is someone who holds a special place in your heart, a place that no one else can ever...
How to Be a Good Mother-in-Law

Did you ever particularly love your mother-in-law or are you having trouble being amicable with your new daughter-in-law? Such problems are often common in family matters. But, you can build a healthy and loving relationship with...
Types of Family Structures in America

American households are getting more diverse, more astonishing, and more perplexing, day by day. Buzzle has compiled the "always changing" family structures in the US.
How to Deal With a Difficult Daughter-in-Law

Claimed to be one of the most difficult relationships, mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law have always had problems getting along with each other. Most of us have heard stories of difficult mothers-in-law, but how to deal with the...
Questions to Ask Your Future Son-in-Law

She says she has found the man of her dreams, and is ready to take the plunge. But as a father, you are having second thoughts about the man she's going to marry. Your future son-in-law could be arriving anytime to ask for your...
Are You Caught in the Sandwich Generation?

Sandwich generation is the generation of people caught in a Catch-22, caring for their parents and children, both at the same time. If you are one of them, this Buzzle post is for you.
How to Get Along with Your Boyfriend's Sister

If you are connecting well with your boyfriend's sister, then it can have a great PR value. Especially so, if you are trying to get him to pop the question to you. Though it seems difficult to win over your boyfriend's sister, it...
Images for all Relationships

Relationships can be of numerous types. It could be a relative, sibling, spouse, partner, friend, or even a colleague. What better way to depict this amazing bond than through some meaningful relationship images!
15 Ways to Make Your Parents Proud

Surely, we cannot pay back the love and care we receive from our parents. But we can be good human beings and make them feel proud. Through little acts of kindness, we can show them that we care. Buzzle gives you some ways to make...
Meaning of Family

When people stay away from each other, their strengths get divided. Family bestows them with a collective power to withstand all kinds of trials and tribulations. This is why having a family is extremely important.
Pros and Cons of Living in a Blended Family

The merging of two families together after a previously-married man and woman get married results in a blended family, which has its own share of advantages and disadvantages. Buzzle identifies the pros and cons of living in a...
Tips for Building Successful Blended Families

The prospect of blending two families together may seem exciting and fulfilling, though it rarely does turn out to be what you've envisaged. It is not easy, and yet once you have it, it is so worth the time and efforts you've put...
12 Things All Daddy's Girls Can Relate To

Daddy has always selflessly been there for you, right from changing your diapers to teaching you to drive, your father has taught you everything. The bond that fathers share with their daughters is simply precious. Here are a few...
15 Amazing Benefits of Having an Elder Brother

It is often said that having a brother is one of the best things in the divorce lawyer fees world. He is the one who will always be there for you as a support system. Although he may both, annoy you and overprotect you, there certainly are many...
Importance of Family

A family they say, mirrors society in itself. Its importance lies in the fact, that it provides the building blocks for you as an individual. And healthy individuals within healthy families cement a healthy society and nation.
Pros and Cons of Being the Youngest Sibling

Being the youngest in the family means that you stay 'forever young'! You are pampered, poked, prodded, experimented on, and sometimes even forgotten. But in spite of all the above, you are loved and cared for. There are many pros...
Struggles Only Siblings Who Share A Room Can Relate To

Do you know what it feels like to share a room with your sibling? It's similar to living in a war-zone. With sharing the room, comes adjustments and struggles. Only those who share the room with their sibling can understand these...
Ways to Win Over Your Boyfriend's Parents

Meeting your boyfriend's parents for the first time can be an anxious moment. For some, it can seem worse than appearing for an exam or a job interview. However, you can leave family law attorney child support all your worries aside and find your calm and composure...
Common Mistakes Mothers-in-Law Make

Conflicts with mothers-in-law is a story as old as time. To mend the bond between the two of you, take a look at some common mistakes mothers-in-law make and how you can handle such situations.
The Dos and Don'ts of Meeting 'His Family'

You know it. I know it. All the mothers-in-law of the world, who were once single, know it! Meeting your prospective, future family was never easy. Do the 'dos', and never, ever, ever do the don'ts.
Why is Family Important

There are many moments in life when you wish you do not have any responsibilities at all. At such phases, you wonder why is family important. For starters, it provides you with the most important things in life - love, support, and...
10 Amazing Perks of Being an Aunt or Uncle

Aunts and uncles do not have days dedicated to them, like mothers and fathers. However, for their nieces and nephews, they usually are like a second parent, and sometimes even an older friend. While the role is one of responsibility...

Reasons Why Daughters are Better Than Sons

Personal traits vary from individual to individual. If gender equality is nurtured at home itself, there won't be any difference between a son and a daughter. But what are the pros, which outweigh the cons of having a daughter?
17 Reasons Why Cousins are Your Best Friends

First cousins, second cousins, or third cousins, all your close cousins can be best described as your best friends! Yup, from those fond childhood memories, to big adult moments, they have been with you through it all. This Buzzle...
Reasons Why Guys Who have an Elder Sister are the Luckiest

First you hated her, then you started bearing her; things got a little better as you started liking her, and now you totally love her. Yes, we are talking about your dearest sister! Having an elder sister is indeed a blessing for...
Challenges of Raising Children in Nuclear Families

For much of US history, nuclear families have been the norm for mainstream society. However, with the advent of the 21st century, people from across the nation are challenging this family structure. In this article, we look at one...
Explanation of the Terminology Used to Refer to Cousins

When checking out your family history, you may have come across some really confusing terms like first cousin twice removed, or second cousin once removed. Now you don't have to fret over this, as we bring to you the complete...
What is Considered to be an Immediate Family?

When we think of "family", we think parents, children, spouses, and grandparents, and the vice versa relationships between them. But when it comes to financial and legal terms, the people who may be considered to be close...
Immediate Family Vs. Extended Family

As family structures have undergone major changes with the passage of time, the large well-knit families have given way to smaller nuclear units. In this article, let's take a parallel notion on both the immediate family and the...
7 Ideas to Celebrate National Siblings Day

Celebrated on April 10th, Siblings Day can be a great opportunity to reconnect and spend time with your sibling if you haven't talked to him/her in ages. This Buzzle article provides some great ideas that will help you spend a...
The Boomerang Generation

More and more young adults are choosing to return home and live with their parents, while they find appropriate jobs that match their skill set. The boomerang generation is waiting it out with the help of their parents so that they...
An Anecdote about Family Ties

When my friend's close-knit Italian family was surprised with the news that they had an estranged adult cousin, they didn't react as one might have expected them to. This story is an interesting glimpse of how people think about...
How to Have a Healthy Mother-Daughter Relationship

It's our mother who is our creator, and we definitely owe our life to her. But, during our growing years, our relationship with our mother goes through its ups and downs. The essence of a strong, loving, and close-knit relationship...
How to Apologize to Your Mom

Sometimes, even though she's just our mother, apologizing becomes a task that we just can't carry out. Know how to apologize to your mom by reading this article. It will tell you how to say 'SORRY' in some of the sweetest yet...
How to Get Along with Your Mother-in-Law

Whether you are newly married or it has been 10 years since, your happy married life can be spoiled by your hostile relationship with your mother-in-law. Hardly ever does a married person get along well with his/her better half's...
How Not to Entertain Your In-Laws

In the history of evenings with the in-laws, this one may set the record for the most excruciating. In this account, I give all the terrifying details about how badly I entertained my in-laws on one recent occasion, and tell you...
How to Develop a Healthy Relationship Between Siblings

Are you struggling to develop a healthy relationship between your children and foster a strong sibling relationship? Well, all siblings rumble and have clashes with each other. But, in the end, it is the love that they have for...
Reconnecting with Family and Friends After Holidays

Don't let the stress of the holiday season carry over into the new year. Use this period of relative quiet to reconnect with friends, family and yourself. Yes, you've all been together a lot lately, but have you really connected?
Toxic Family Relationships

Toxic family relationships can have long-lasting, detrimental effects on the psychological and even physical well-being of the people involved. Learn to identify the signs and to cope with them.
How to be a Good Grandparent

So what if you have been the best mum, or a loving dad in the past, you now have an additional expectation to meet; that of being a good grandparent. When it comes to grandparenting, it is akin to honing your parenting skills and...
How to Deal With Sibling Rivalry and Jealousy

Bitterness in sibling relationships is common as the two spend time together and also have to share maximum things. Find in this article the different ways to deal with rivalry and jealousy between siblings...
Communication Problems in Families

Every family goes through its ups and downs. Most often, the root cause of this situation is the lack of communication. Take a look at how communication issues among families come about, and how they can be fixed.
Nuclear Family Vs. Joint Family

A joint family consists of related members of a family living under the same roof, and conversely a nuclear family is just a single family. There are some genuine differences in the two concepts and every system has merits and...
Family Relationships

With all that we are occupied with, we tend to undermine our family relationships and put them on the back burner. Here, we try and remind you of the importance of your family, the problems you may be facing in this regard, and...
Dysfunctional Family as a Cause of Difficult Childhood

Identifying and admitting that a person was brought up in a dysfunctional family is the most punishing task. Acknowledging this fact, however, is crucial to outgrow such relationship issues and transform oneself into an emotionally...
Family Quotes

What is the importance of family in your life? Here is a compilation of some quotes on family that will not only inspire and motivate you, but will also tickle your funny bone!
Advantages of the Traditional Nuclear Family

A traditional nuclear family includes the married parents (mother and father) along with their biological or adopted children who live in the same house. To find out what are the advantages associated with this type of family...