Penalties of a DUI in PA Including the ARD Program

Many people are convicted of a DUI everyday. The penalties are getting harsher everywhere. In the state of PA, the legal limit for Driving under the Influence is .08% Blood Alcohol Content. If you are arrested and convicted for a first offense and your expunge dui alcohol level is between .08-.99, you will receive a $300 fine and probation. If your alcohol level is between .10-.159, the person will receive 2 days to 6 months in prison, with a $500 to $5,000 fine along with your license being suspended for 12 months. You can also receive a restricted license after 60 days of it being originally suspended, if the judge allows. If your alcohol level is above .16, a person will be facing 3 days to 6 months in prison, the fine can be from 1,000 to 5,000 and your license will be suspended for 12 months, and if the judge allows you can receive a restricted license after 6 months from when it was originally suspended.
If you are arrested and convicted twice in the state of PA the fines can be between $300 $5,000 and jail time can range from 5 days to 5 years in prison, depending on the alcohol level. The judge has minimum and maximum sentencing ranges he has to go by. Also, for the secent and third convictions you have to install an ignition interlock device on your vehicle for 1 year and you could have to attend alcohol screening and rehabilitation. A judge can also require a number of hours of community service.?