Online Marketing - InfoBarrel
6 Easy Ways to SEO Your Businessby brlamc
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Credit: Morguefile
Are you looking to Seo your business? There are several ways you can do this. The best way is to hire a SEO company and buy packages to help your business grow. These companies know exactly what is required to get you the traffic you need. Here are six SEO strategies that your business can use.
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Lock it Down: 5 Ways to Protect Your Website From Hackers
by Ian Mills
8 months, 2 days ago

The majority of hacks aren't high visibility sem rush attempts to steal sensitive information - smaller sites are often infected to set up a temporary web server for illegal files, or to use your server as an email relay for spam.
These attacks are designed to be as silent as possible, since the more time it takes you to notice...
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Easy Tips for Great Online Product Photos
by Katanagari
8 months, 3 days ago
Credit: Karen Kirk
Online selling can be a fun and lucrative business! Whether you're selling handmade items, antiques, designer clothing, this season's must-have toys, or any other item, photos are an incredibly important aspect of your presentation. Customers have only photos to go by; they can't pick up, hold, or examine the product before buying, so the quality of your...
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How to Hire a Nonfiction Editor
by skolbwilliams
8 months, 2 weeks ago
Whether you need a copyeditor for your nonfiction book a content editor for your business's whitepapers and sales copy, hiring an editor is one of the most important things you can do to invest in the success of your project. So why is it that the process is so daunting?
There are more and more freelancers and independent...
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5 Ways to Reuse the Business Content You Already Own
by skolbwilliams
8 months, 3 weeks ago
If you've already invested in a great piece of content for your business blog, website copy, or even newsletter, did you know you can repurpose your content again and again? Don't keep reinventing the wheel--making your existing copy pull triple or even quadruple duty is a fantastic, affordable way to get your business in the content seo basics game.
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How To Write a Decent Article
by SeriouslySerious
9 months, 2 weeks ago
My husband recently joined IB and he was so excited.? And when I say excited, I mean he lost sleep over sharing his?tips/tricks and other I.T. knowledge.? Shame the poor man looked like a racoon when he finally did emerge - black puffy eyes and a very grumpy demeanour.? But he finally?had some time last night to put...
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How Can I Find A Scam and What to Look For
by mr_biggie2
1 year, 6 days ago
If you are a regular surfer?in the world of the?Internet, then you most likely would found yourself viewing an advertisement. Chances are you have found yourself looking at an attempt to up-sell you to buying a product. But did you know that most of the products being distributed across the Internet contain many flaws including false testimonials...
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Tips for Selling in Private Facebook Groups
by mommymommymommy
1 year, 2 weeks ago
Do you have an interest or a hobby and are interested in making some cash online that does not involve an auction? Then joining private Facebook groups is one way for you to earn some extra money without paying fees and listing charges.
I discovered this way of earning money online when I had some old Girl Scout...
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Do It Yourself Email Marketing for the Small Business Owner
by AliceCalch
1 year, 3 weeks ago
Are you interested in launching an email marketing campaign, but unsure where and how to begin? You're not alone.?Every day, entrepreneurs like yourself come to the realization that they are missing out on a big marketing opportunity if they aren't using email as a way to reach out to their customers. The following paragraphs contain some 'get you started'...
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Want to Earn Money Online? Tips for Making it Work
by mommymommymommy
1 year, 3 weeks ago
When I first ventured into the world of writing online, the internet was an entirely different place. SEO driven garbage easily rose to the top of the search engines, providing those who were looking with very little reliable information.
Penguins, Pandas and other assorted changes to the Google algorithm have taken place. And while some thing have improved,...
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Boost Your Website for Exciting Conversions (Even Without Web Programming Experience)
by Chedie
1 year, 2 months ago
I had clients who inquired how to improve their website's conversion rate and online visibility without needing to hire a developer due to budget constraints. Knowing they didn't have visual editing and web coding skills to handle technical aspects of web development and SEO optimization, I opted to create a list of essential website techniques that anyone...
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by mommymommymommy
1 year, 2 months ago
Since the spring of 2014, the landscape of the internet has changed drastically for those who earn money online writing articles on various platforms. Here is a timeline of the events:
May 14, 2014
Helium Network emailed it's authors that is will be shutting down the Helium 360 sites. Authors have to move their content by December...
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2015 SEO Strategy Tips for Freelance Writers
by Michele C. Reynolds
1 year, 3 months ago
Most writers, bloggers and social media managers are now reluctant to use the term "SEO" when marketing for jobs. Visit any freelance bidding site and you'll soon discover there aren't too many SEO writers around. Instead, there is an overabundance of content strategists. It's not that search engine optimization is obsolete, but the rules of the game have changed...
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Social Media Marketing
by Shaddymak
1 year, 4 months ago
Social media usage has increased significantly in the past few years and as a result, most marketers have found better ways to use these sites as avenues for promoting their products and services. It is now possible to create custom pages for your promotion which will help you to add potential customers to your target demographic. This has made it easier for online marketers to build profiles, grow their networks and strategically contact potential customer, informing them about their products or services.
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HubPages: The Truth Behind Editor's Choice
by RoseWrites
1 year, 5 months ago
It saddens me to see stellar authors used and lied to by Paul Edmondson, the CEO of HubPages. As an outside observer, I can clearly see the impact the Editor's Choice program is having on subdomains. All of the evidence, along with over a dozen testimonials, points to the HubPages domain being massively downgraded by Google. I believe Paul Edmondson is grabbing at straws (and even keeping my work) on his site to reap as much profit as he can before a possible sell-out, closure, or lawsuit.
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