Laser Eye Surgery in Pakistan - Locations | Prices
Laser Eye Surgery has become popular throughout the world and is understandly widely available also. The country that is generally thought to have the cheapest lasik eye surgery is usually India. This is very true as the prices are absolutely fantastic and you can pay less than 1/3rd removing tattoos of what you might pay for the treatment in the UK or in the USA. However the majority of us do not stop to consider what the prices and treatments might be like in Pakistan. In this page we will look at where you can get laser eye surgery in Pakistan and how much you would be looking to pay on average to have the treatment done. We will also look at peoples perceptions of the quality of laser eye surgery in pakistan.Laser Eye Treatment is Available in the following Cities in Pakistan
Average cost of Laser Eye Treatment in Pakistan
The average cost of laser eye treatment is considerably far less than prices seen in western europe. The average price of laser eye treatment in the UK is approximately ?1,750, and in the US approx $2,000. In Pakistan you would expect to pay just a third of the price, which means that you would expect to pay around ?600, or $700. Therefore we can see why Pakistan is becoming a popular location for Laser Eye Treatment.

What is the Perception of the treatment?
From researching forums on the internet I have found that Pakistan is becoming more and more popular for Laser Eye Surgery, and therefore we should expect to see a slight increase in price over the next couple of years - However it is not expected to reach the prices of lasek and lasik surgery in the UK.
The average mans perception is that the treatment performed is of a very high standard and the surgeons can be trusted and deserve lots of respect. Some even claim that they believe the treatment and the doctors in Pakistan are better than those in Western Europe.
Special Offers
In the UK Optimax are offering Lasik eye treatment from ?395 per eye, which is a noticeably great price. There was recently a half price promotion which could tattoo removal cost still be available if looked in to.